Friday, January 30, 2009

Healthy Cooking

Form the blog : Mezology

A healthy meal should be both delicious and have a high nutritional value. Make sure to have all nutrients you need and eliminate unnecessary calories. Low salt and cholesterol levels should be considered with special conditions such as heart diseases.

  • Don't cut vegetables and fruits into very small pieces so you can maximaly benefit of their nutritional value.
  • Boil the water before putting vegetables into it.
  • While roasting, grilling and broiling, put a rack so the fat drips down and the meat doesn't swim in it's own fat.
  • It's better to use poly-unsaturated oil instead of butter.
  • Don't over grill meat untill it turns black! this black color is harmful hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines which are carcinogenic.
  • As before, cut off those charred ends of meat, don't eat them.
  • Clean your grill well.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits carefully.
  • Try fat-free dairy instead of whole milk and full cream.
  • Use unsaturated fat eg. olive oil. Your body needs some fats but satuated fats are not good.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, you can't cook meat all the time!
  • Use sweeteners only when necessary.
  • Read the expiration date of any canned food before you eat it.